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Indoor cycling

In 1989, the method of indoor cyling (spinning) became popular in the USA and reached Europe in the mid-1990s. Indoor Cycling offers a varied endurance alternative to normal ergometers or outdoor cycling. 

With this efficient group training, you can burn lots of calories and do not need complicated adjustments. You can adjust the resistance / intensity of your bike according to your fitness level, at any time. Indoor Cycling strengthens your cardiovascular system and improves your basic endurance. You will be accompanied by exciting beats and a motivated trainer. 

 Training goals 

-  improvement  and maintenance from strength and stamina  
-  training alternatives for high endurance athletes 
-  fat  reduction
-  have fun with communal training and cool sound!

 What do I need?

-  comfortable sportswear 
-  sturdy shoes
-  water bottle and towel 
-  love for sports!

 Whether beginner, advanced or professional, old or young - Indoor Cycling is suitable for all ages and training levels all the year round.  

Online Booking directly in the timetable.

Special courses and Events find under "Current themes".