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Qualitop Ethic Code

Principle 1

We strive to develop our activities (sales, teaching, etc.) towards ourselves and our customers according to fundamental ethical principles.

Principle 2

Our goal is to maintain or increase the quality of our services (offers) by means of manageable, relevant quality management.

Conformity of promise and provided service

We keep what we promise (advertising, consulting, products ...).

Protection of the intimacy of customers and employees

We protect the intimacy of our customers and employees.

Contributing to sustainable health promotion

We understand our offers as a contribution to the promotion of the health care of the individual and society with their social structures.

Sensitization to the reflection of the lifestyle

Our offers sensitize to the examination and reflection of our own lifestyle.

Recognition of one's own borders and those of customers

We recognize the limitations and possibilities of our customers, employees and ourselves as well as our competences.

Scientific basis of thought and action

We base our thinking and action on a scientific basis (natural and spiritual sciences).