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Pre and Postnatal courses

SO YOU WANT TO KEEP FIT DESPITE THE “BABY STOMACH”?! - in der Gruppe, zu Hause (online) oder im 1:1 Training

Yoga and Pilates are two great ways to integrate exercise into your everyday life throughout your pregnancy.

Especially towards the end of the pregnancy, when a growing stomach begins to limit mobility, some sports become more difficult to carry out. With Yoga and Pilates, expecting mothers can still keep fit despite this handicap.

These exercises promote an awareness of all the exciting changes you will experience during your pregnancy. Yoga and Pilates help expectant mothers to relax during this special time and can relieve potential discomfort. It's not just about testing your own limits or mastering new challenges, it is above all, important only to go as far with the exercises as you still feel comfortable despite your unfamiliar condition.

Postnatal with Pilates

Your baby has arrived and there is plenty to do. Do not forget to plan enough time for yourself. Postnatal Pilates is the most effective way to get back your original figure, quickly and relaxingly.

The post natal Pilates program in the „recovery phase“ is designed to strengthen the deep muscles in order to prevent ailments such as back pain or cervical erosion and to bring the body back into a natural balance as quickly as possible.

Courses 2024 

Yoga Pränatal: Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. - 11:55 a.m.
15.05.24 - 29.05.24 online booking:
19.06.24 - 03.07.24
14.08.24 - 28.08.24
04.09.24 - 25.09.24
16.10.24 - 30.10.24
06.11.24 - 20.11.24
27.11.24 - 18.12.24

Pilates Pränatal: Monday 4:30 p.m.- 5:25 p.m.
06.05.24 - 27.05.24 online booking:
17.06.24 - 01.07.24
12.08.24 - 26.08.24
02.09.24 - 23.09.24
14.10.24 - 28.10.24
04.11.24 - 18.11.24
25.11.24 - 16.12.24

Pilates Postnatal: Saturday at 11:05 a.m.- 12:00 a.m.
24.08.24 - 28.09.24
19.10.24 - 23.11.24

Minimum number of participants 3 


All courses are recognized by the health insurance companies Qualitop and Qualicert.