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Yoga for Pregnancy

Yoga prenatal in the group, at home (online) or 1:1 Training 

Yoga is a great companion during pregnancy. It promotes physical well-being and helps to manage the coming bodily changes with contentment and self-confidence. The exercises are specially selected and modified for pregnant women, specifically for strengthening the back, stimulating circulation, supporting the pregnancy and preparing for childbirth.

The spine is the most important support of our body. During pregnancy, the spine has a lot more work to do than usual, due to the extra weight of the child. Through regularly practicing Yoga the back muscles are strengthened and with this added support, the upright posture and stability of the body are maintained. Due to the additional weight of the child, many pregnant women suffer from tension in the back area. With the help of stretching and loosening exercises, Yoga can help to release this tension.

Many pregnant women develope sleeping problems and wake up often during the night. The breathing and relaxation exercises learned in Yoga and Pilates help the sensitive pregnant woman    to  ”let go” of everyday life, to fall asleep easier and to regenerate better during sleep. Simple exercises, correct and conscientious breathing, promotes the concentration and refines the self- perception and also that of the child. With regular practice Yoga can help you to have a better acceptance and handling of contractions during childbirth. 

Pregnancy is a time of extreme physical and emotional changes during a woman's life. Yoga can help you during this miraculous process and help you to feel fit and comfortable within:

- Improves body feeling
- Gently strengthens muscles
- Improves blood circulation
- Relieves tension
- Helps in learning breathing techniques
- Promotes mental relaxation and stress relief
- Gentle birth preparation

This course for pregnant women can be visited from the 14th week of pregnancy onwards. The exercises are easy to learn and can be performed up until the birth. Previous knowledge of Yoga is not necessary.

Minimum number of participants 3 

Courses 2024: Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. - 11:55 a.m.

15.05.24 - 29.05.24 online booking:

19.06.24 - 03.07.24
14.08.24 - 28.08.24
04.09.24 - 25.09.24
16.10.24 - 30.10.24
06.11.24 - 20.11.24
27.11.24 - 18.12.24


All courses are recognized by the health insurance companies Qualitop and Qualicert.